Roughly Three New Things at Caesars Palace
It gives us great joy to be able to share new things in Las Vegas, especially when doing so doesn’t result in incarceration.
Here, then, are three brand new things at Caesars Palace, at least two of which don’t even officially exist yet.
1. Caesars Palace Skating Rink
Las Vegas excels at providing things nobody was really clamoring for, and skating rinks are certainly some of those! Rinks have sprung up at The Cosmopolitan, Venetian and even the Gold Spike, downtown.
Now, Caesars Palace has joined the trend with a holiday skating rink all its own.

Nope, this isn’t a work-in-progress. It’s finished and open to the public.
There were no actual skaters during our visit, so that either means word hasn’t gotten out about the rink yet, or Las Vegas has reached its skating saturation point.
The rink has its own box office (pictured below), where tickets can be purchase for $16 (includes skates) or $15 for Total Rewards loyalty club members. The same price applies to kids. Skaters must be age four or older, and enjoy debilitating spinal injuries, to take to the ice.

The rink at Caesars Palace has real ice (as does the one at Cosmo), as opposed to a synthetic rink surface (like Venetian and Gold Spike).

The good news is the rink is slightly more appealing at night (see below). A news release says the rink “evokes an outdoor lodge experience complete with falling snow,” but we didn’t see anything along those lines.

The news release also claims the rink at Caesars Palace was designed by professional ice skaters, because we’re fairly certain nobody would have come up with “make it a square” all on their own.
On a brighter note, nearby bars have special drink menus to make sure the holidays are bright. To check out the rink drinks, click here and here.
The Caesars Palace rink is open 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 a.m. You should probably get there at 10:50 a.m. to avoid the rush.
2. Apostrophe Bar
Remember the Caesars Palace fountain that used to be at the intersection of Rao’s restaurant, Bacchanal Buffet and Payard? Us either, but we blame it on the slushy drinks.
Well, in August, the fountain was turned to rubble to make way for a new Apostrophe Bar. The bar’s construction wall has now turned into a construction drape.

Thanks to our friends at Eater Vegas for giving us our cue to start snooping around the new fountain, as well as the tip about the bar’s new name. And snoop we did. Here’s a first look at the new Apostrophe Bar at Caesars Palace.

It’s not exactly a “fountain,” but there’s water. And the water moves.
Here’s a quick video of the Apostrophe Bar, which our Twitter friend Eric thinks looks like the warp core from the sadly-closed Star Trek Experience.
Apostrophe Bar is a reference to the fact the “Caesars” in Caesars Palace doesn’t have an apostrophe. The resort’s founder, Jay Sarno, intended the name to imply everyone is a Caesar at Caesars Palace (as opposed to the palace being Caesar’s).
3. Bacchanal Buffet Kiosks
We stumbled upon some intriguing technological news at the Bacchanal Buffet at Caesars Palace. Apparently, Bacchanal will soon unveil a new way to avoid the occasional long lines at the popular buffet.
Free-standing interactive displays will be set up so guests in line can enter their contact information if they so desire. That way, they’ll be free to roam the hotel and will be notified by text message when it’s their turn to enter the buffet.

We love this idea! Unchain us from our buffet wait, already. We have better things to do, like playing slot machines and avoiding holiday shopping.
4. This Isn’t New, Per Se
All right, this isn’t new, but we think it’s news. Our favorite Strip steakhouse, Old Homestead, has closed temporarily. We hear this is a cost-saving measure due to seasonal slowness.

5. This Isn’t New Either, Actually
This isn’t new, either, but it’s so pretty, we wanted to share it. The Caesars Palace lobby is decked out with its annual Christmas decorations.

There’s always something new in Las Vegas, and you know where to find it! Here. On this blog. Please try and keep up.
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