New Las Vegas Ad Campaign Trumpets “Vegas Enablers”
The Las Vegas Convention and Visitor’s Authority has unfurled its most recent round of ads touting Las Vegas.
This time, the focus is on “Vegas Enablers,” the people who instigate the adventures which happen, and presumably stay, in Las Vegas.
Expect to see the new ads popping up on TV airwaves near you. Well, at one time they were called “airwaves.” Now, they’re called “cables,” which doesn’t sound quite as romantic to us, but let’s move on.
These new ads are expected to run through April, 2014.
As we mentioned, the “Vegas Enablers” concept is an offshoot of the city’s “What happens here, stays here” slogan, used to market Las Vegas for the last decade, mainly because nobody seems to be able to think of anything better.
A page devoted to the “Vegas Enabler” ads describes a Vegas enabler as “Someone who pushes you out of your comfort zone, and what happens in Vegas wouldn’t happen without them.” Sorry, solo travelers, sounds like you’re S.O.L.

Still, we like these new ads, because we tend to be lazy, and without our band of “Vegas Enablers,” it’s doubtful we’d get into nearly as much trouble without their prodding.
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