Linq Hotel Finally Ups Its Elevator Game
At one time, Linq Hotel was called The Quad. Before that, it was Imperial Palace.
All its incarnations suffered the slings and arrows of customer complaints around one aspect of the hotel: The elevators.
Now, it seems Linq has decided to bite the bullet and invest in new elevators, and we’ve got the scoop on what’s up.

For ages, guests have endured long wait times, often 15 minutes or more, for elevators at Linq.
Reportedly, some didn’t function at all.
Many guests report having been stuck in the elevators at various times, and having to use the “call” button to request assistance.
A new bank of elevators is under construction, so it seems Linq (and its owner Caesars Entertainment) grew tired of getting hammered on Trip Advisor and other review sites.
Here’s a look at the structure housing the new elevators at Linq.

The new set of elevators are on the east side of the resort, near the walkway to Harrah’s, just inside Linq.
Guests will find them at the bottom of the escalators from the new (but sadly idle) Forum convention center and monorail (also idle) station.
Big thanks to our buddy James on the Twitters for this discovery.
Linq is also installing an awning just outside for rideshare passengers.

It’s unknown when the new Linq elevators will be operational, but they’ll be a welcome addition when guests flock back to Linq.
Linq is the epitome of “mixed reviews,” but continues to be a great value with some fun amenities and one of the best locations on the Las Vegas Strip.
Faster, more reliable elevators could be just the lift Linq needs so customers no longer feel like they’re getting the shaft.
Update (3/19/21): We heard back from Caesars Entertainment about details. There are four elevator cars being installed, and the project is expected to be completed by the end of May 2021.
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