Las Vegas Set to Host World’s Largest Orgy
Hey, they don’t call it “Sin City” for nothing.
A group called Menage Life is hosting a world record attempt for the world’s largest orgy in Las Vegas on June 2, 2018.
According to the organizers of the event, called Sin City 8, as many as 1,000 people are expected to take part in the orgy world record, a phrase we never expected to type when we started this blog.

The current documented record for the largest orgy, with a mere 500 participants, was set in Japan in 2006.
The world record co-mingling was featured in a film, “500 Person Sex,” directed by Yukitsugu Tsuchiya. And, yes, we’re using the term “directed” very loosely here.
We honestly don’t even consider that Japanese world record orgy a world record, because the 250 couples involved only had sex with each other.
Anyway, back to the Vegas world record.
It should be noted this won’t be an “official” world record, as no Guinness World Records adjudicator will be in attendance.
Someone should inquire with the Guinness World Records folks to see if there’s currently a record for “World’s Largest Walk of Shame.”

Now, for the details.
Tickets to the record attempt cost $25 for women, $200 for couples.
Unescorted men aren’t permitted to take part, despite the fact they’re the ones who would appreciate taking part the most.
According to the event’s official Web site, “All participants in the world record attempt will receive complimentary condoms, lube, hand towels, hand sanitizer and sexy swag.”
Coincidentally, Sexy Swag was the name of our band in high school.

Orgy participants are assured security officers will monitor the “play room” for the duration of the event, and mutual consent is required, of course.
The host company is doing a full buy-out of the Embassy Suites for the orgy world record gathering.
The orgy world record is just one of a number of events planned at Sin City 8, so feel free to visit the official Web site.
There’s never a dull moment in Las Vegas.
Unfortunately, we won’t be taking part in the world record orgy event at Embassy Suites in Las Vegas, for three simple reasons:
- Can you imagine the cramps from writing all those thank-you notes?
- We are old-fashioned and believe humiliation should happen between two people, a man a whoever we are disappointing.
- If we’re going to lose our orgy virginity, we sure as hell aren’t going to do it at an Embassy Suites.
If you decide to take part in these festivities, we’d love to hear about your experience. Brownie points for photos and sexy swag.
Here’s our exclusive interview with Kristy Auli, Media/Sponsorship Coordinator for Menage Life, the company hosting the world record orgy in Las Vegas.
Update (6/6/18): We spoke with Menage Life and confirmed the total number of participants in the world record orgy attempt was 375, but with a number of extenuating circumstances. It seems law enforcement presented the organizers with a cease-and-desist during the record attempt. During.
Organizers were forced to move the event to the Green Door swingers club, but many of the participants didn’t make the trip. There were more than 800 ticketed participants in Sin City 8.
We’re thinking there should be a world record for “Biggest Coitus Interruptus, Ever.”
As for the initial issues with the Embassy Suites location, it’s interesting to note the venue (and its parent company, Hilton) were apparently nonplussed about the Sin City 8 gathering until it was featured in a segment on “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert,” at which time company executives made it clear the organizers could not hold their events at the hotel, other than providing rooms for participants.
Menage Life says it will try the record attempt again next year, lessons learned.
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