“Imaginarium” Falls Victim to Tropicana Curse, Set to Close
A magic show featuring David Goldrake, “Imaginarium,” has announced it will close at Tropicana on Sep. 30, 2018.
Lackluster ticket sales sealed the fate of the production show after a little more than a year at Tropicana.
How do we know it wasn’t selling tickets? Because successful shows don’t close in Las Vegas, that’s why.

A news release about the show’s closure attempted some misdirection, par for the course both because it’s a magic show and it’s Las Vegas. Public relations horseshittery is the law.
The release says, “Award-winning grand illusionist David Goldrake announces today he is planning to open a new show, set to debut to Las Vegas audiences in Spring, 2019.”
Right. In the parlance of Vegas entertainment, “Imaginarium” is on “haitus.”
To Goldrake’s credit, the show lastest 300 shows, according to the release, anything but a sure bet given what’s come to be called the “Tropicana curse.”

Other shows that have fallen victim to the Tropicana curse include “Cherry Boom Boom,” “Raiding the Rock Vault,” “Mama Mia,” “Purple Reign,” Murray Sawchuck and Brad Garrett’s comedy club.
The performer hit hardest by the curse, though, has to be magician Jan Rouven. Rouven is currently in jail facing federal child porn charges.
While we haven’t seen “Imaginarium,” it appears to be a classic Las Vegas magic “spectacle,” teeming with dramatic hand gestures and lots of “Voila!”
You know, the kind of magic show people aren’t clamoring to see anymore.
Do yourself a favor and catch Penn & Teller at Rio or Mac King at Harrah’s.
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