Construction of Downtown Welcome Display Gets Underway
The City of Las Vegas recently announced it would devote resources to a new gateway arch and welcome display, and elements of the latter are already being put into place.

The welcome display, featuring dice, chips and a roulette wheel, sit at the intersection of Las Vegas Boulevard and Main Street, about a block from the Stratosphere casino.

According to renderings, the site will also sport two showgirls. Posts for the showgirls have also been put into place.
Here’s a look at the rendering.

The City of Las Vegas plays a big part in the display, which is only a little awkward because the City pretty much abandoned the logo in March 2017, presumably because it was too darned full of itself.
The logo cost $20,000 to develop.

Also in the works is a gateway arch. The City has been a bit vague about where the arch will end up, but it’s assumed it will stretch across Las Vegas Blvd. at Sahara Ave.
An alternative location for the arch could be at South 4th Street and Las Vegas Blvd., where a “Welcome to Downtown Las Vegas” sign was obliterated by a drunk driver.
No timeline for completion of the welcome area or gateway arch has been announced.
It’s also possible a timeline has been announced and we just ignored it. We’re defiant like that.
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