Latest Casino and Gaming NewsSun, 01 Sep 2024 10:09:48 +0000
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By: Cindi Mitchell
Sun, 01 Sep 2024 10:09:48 +0000https://www.portalapp.net/news/?p=328380#comment-382195I was living in England when Beatles became famous. They hated their music & long hair. We never got an my of their records. We came back tAmerica & Beatles music was popular in highschool dances. So I enjoyed them in 1962. When I was 20 I started buying their records to play in my apt. I finally got to enjoy all of their recorded music & I kept buying the albums that kept coming out. They were making happy & romantic music, so of course young ladies loved their music. I never went to any of their concerts but wished I had. I have extremely great memories & saw them on TV. I was too reserved to try to touch any stars or scream. Those girls didn’t care how they made stars really wished they quietly attend concerts so everyone could actually hear them. They had to hide out in their rooms to not be grabbed at. They really didn’t get to enjoy seeing our cities at all. What a shame they couldn’t enjoy walking around any town or meeting any respectful young ladies & enjoy America. Having to hide out in hotel rooms must of been boring & upsetting for them, I was happy just to play their music at home. I was 15 when became famous in England & Europe. My stepdad was contracted out to jobs in Europe
We lived in France for a yr too. Thanks for photos & stories. They brought back great memories of the 1960’s to 2000. I enjoyed Lynard Skynard music & other bands from 1960’s to 2000. Loved going out to dance in clubs. Thanks for keeping rock n Roll music alive in these years.
By: Mary
Tue, 20 Aug 2024 18:15:07 +0000https://www.portalapp.net/news/?p=328380#comment-381451Great story!